Syngineering Solutions is a partnership of three senior organization consultants: Rich Thayer, William Zybach, and Monique Carnino. They have between them significant experience in large and small for-profits, non-profits, and government agencies. They are part of a loose network of world class organization consulting practitioners, which includes Naomi Stanford, Dick and Emily Axelrod, Stu Winby, Brian Robertson, Glenda Eoyang, and Lisa Kimball.

Monique Carnino
Monique Carnino has over twenty five years of experience working with executive management teams and individual clients to bring about bottom line performance improvement results and changes in the way people work, think and behave. She often works in high pressure, highly ambiguous environments. Monique is no longer an active consultant for Syngineering Solutions. She currently lives in Houston Texas and is an internal consultant with Chevron.

Rich Thayer
Rich Thayer for years supported organization design efforts for Royal Dutch Shell in its global activities. His early career in research science provided tools that helped him analyze and understand the complex landscapes involved in multiple stakeholder capital intensive joint ventures. Many of these projects required the development of a high-performing strategic leadership function. Rich lives in the Baltimore Maryland area.

William Zybach
William Zybach has a long history of supporting organizational change in government and the public sector. During the Bill Clinton administration, he worked on “reinventing government”, which led to a balanced federal budget and increased public confidence in government. He helped build state level agencies in Washington DC to support its ongoing statehood drive, and brings organization design principles to the local, regional and national government, business and not-for profits. William lives in the Washington DC area.